Big news, y’all! There are new owners of our local wine shoppe (@hinsdalewineshop), and they’re just lovely! The same old friendly faces (Patrick!) and fair prices (they’re just giving away Duckhorn Merlot!) remain constant. The new faces (like Ashley, one of the new owners, pictured) are just as friendly, and the enthusiasm for what they do is invigorating! The Wine Club they offer is still one of the hottest tickets and best values in town, so if you don’t already know, you’ve gotta look into their famous Fell Fest, because it’s coming up very soon! In the meantime, be sure to take advantage of their offerings to the Wine Walk, or just stop in and say hello to the new owners, they’re just as friendly as Sean, and there’s three of them, so, it’s basically 3 times better than it was before!